A day with Lucia, Renato D’Agostin


A day with Lucia, Renato D’Agostin

A book based on the encounter with Lucia Servadio Bedarida, the youngest female doctor in Italy who became the first woman physician in Morocco, mindful of 106 years of life. Renato D’Agostin and Olivia Fincato met up with her in her house on the Hudson river banks in March 2006. Lucia welcomed them with enthusiasm and forged with them a bond of deep trust right away. One month after the meeting, Lucia Servadio Bedarida died.
The exhibition documenting this journey holds many evocative images but it is the hands that are so striking; a labyrinth of veins and wrinkles, hands weathered and well used in a life of service to others.

Over a series of conversations, the journey would reveal the unparalleled professional achievement, personal joy and unimaginable sorrow of a remarkable life lived amidst the tumultuous and sometimes horrific panorama of the 20th Century.

Zeropuntozerozero, 2007
Text in English and Italian
Hard cover
24.5 x 19.5 x 1 cm
64 pages
Signed by the artist
ISBN : 978-88-902808-1-8

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