Moods in a Room, Catherine Balet


Moods in a Room, Catherine Balet

Playing with transparencies and surrealist collages, Catherine Balet's new series “Moods in a Room” plays with virtual reality by mixing pictorial textures and digital photographic elements. She superimposes them in multiple layers, giving a material feel to the unreal and a virtuality to her material images! The resulting compositions reveal the various states of consciousness of the artist, and illustrate her commitment to endlessly explore the dualities between content and absence, space and surface.

The technique the artist adopted, using layers of images, allows her to create photographs that play on many levels and whose transparency shapes the depth of the pictorial space. The underside (made with a digitized version of her own paintings) exists as much as the top layer and reveals a matter usually unknown in photography. The mat colored surfaces blend with the brighter areas of the photograph. Besides, the images in the series reveal, through the superimposition of layers of different architectures, a fantasy urban space where cold and warmth coexist. A fictitious setting where strange and familiar stories are played, animated by more or less ghostly characters.

Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2020
Photographs: Catherine Balet
Text (French / English): Fannie Escoulen
Hard cover
28,5 x 24 cm
120 pages, 71 photographs
ISBN: 978-1-911306-59-7

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