Confine, Vittoria Gerardi


Confine, Vittoria Gerardi
Signed copy

In Confine, Italian photographer Vittoria Gerardi presents her perception of the landscape, a visual and mental experience through Death Valley. Located in the eastern Californian desert, Death Valley is the lowest, driest and hottest area in North America. 139 miles long, the valley varies from massive mountain formations to expanses of ground covered with salt, revealing a martial scenery where no human being deserves to live.

The dazzling light, therefore the incapability of seeing is portrayed by the photographer by selecting portions of the negative, distilling fragments of the landscape and making them become symbolic lines between inconsistency and matter, almost as scars of light and time.

By using an alternative process in the darkroom, the photographer emphasizes the elements that make the landscape violent and extreme. The synergy of chemicals and the sensitive nature of paper give shape to peculiar tonalities. A balancing act between chance and control creating unique and irreproducible photographic prints. For Vittoria Gerardi “Confine, or Horizon, is the intangible line that makes man reveal his limit and the illusion of going beyond it“.

Hayakutake Editions, 2016
Text in English
Soft cover
33 x 24 cm


Photographs by Vittoria Gerardi
Hyakutake Editions, 2016
20 pages
Limited editions of 500 copies
Signed copy

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