Equilibrium Rosa, Vittoria Gerardi

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Equilibrium Rosa, Vittoria Gerardi

The series "Equilibrium" develops, somewhat playfully, the concept of balance: each object consists of an oval glass-fused plate and two balancing stones (glass-fused) designed to be moved and placed below in search of a moment of equilibrium; which is nonetheless defined by its previous moments of disequilibrium.

This concept of balance comes from the photographic series “Aletegrafia” where is visually defined as a constantly changing image. Equilibrium transforms visual perception into action: through the action of searching for balance we are at the same time redesigning our perception of what it is, integrating unknown schemes.

Equilibrium is also designed as a functional serving plate: it integrates a crack/cavity that can host/hold a vegetal element in a functional combination with what it will be served on the side and as a gesture of transformation of the aliment itself. The idea is to make visible the invisible activity of eating which restructures and metamorphoses our organs at every meal.

Fused glass rosa
40 x 20 cm
