Fines Herbes/Cheveux d'Ange, Friedemann Hauss


Fines Herbes/Cheveux d'Ange, Friedemann Hauss

In the two issues we show two projects from the oeuvre of Friedemann Hauss: "Fine" grasses from Provence - on a white background - and feather grasses with the beautiful epithet "angel hair" - on black. Stylized and proudly posed, one discovers a rich life of its own with much expression in each individual plant.

After training as a graphic artist in Basel, the South German emigrated to Paris in 1967. From the end of the 1970s, he devoted himself professionally exclusively to fashion photography. Alongside this, he produced countless free works, which he intensified in recent years. With all his creative urge, he gets far too little time to show his work.

Hans Verlag, 2022
2 booklets
16 pages each
16 illustrations each
24 x 17 cm
Limited edition of 50

Une histoire mondiale des femmes photographes, Luce Lebart, Marie Robert
Dictionnaire de Supports/Surfaces : 1967-1972, Daniel Dezeuze
Les modernologues, Marjolaine Lévy
Henri Cartier-Bresson - Le grand jeu
Le paradigme de l'art contemporain - Structures d'une révolution artistique, Nathalie Heinich
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