impressions sauvages, Paolo Gioli

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impressions sauvages, Paolo Gioli

"This collection of essays is the first monograph in French on Paolo Gioli (born 1942). It deals with all the facets of Gioli's work, painting, cinema and photography. Gioli is a singular, unclassifiable, eccentric bricoleur. His photographic research ranges from the manipulation of polaroids to photograms, including photofinish and pinhole photography with his fist; he transgresses all the rules, rejects the passive use of techniques, preferring to reappropriate them by diverting them, he explores the limits (often with great sensuality) and questions all the established parameters, in a creative abundance that is completely unique", says Marc Lenot.

Les presses du réel, Sept. 2020
Text in French
Hard cover
25.5 x 19.5 cm
440 pages
ISBN : 978-2-84066-771-1

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