La monnaie vivante, Pierre Klossowski and Pierre Zucca


La monnaie vivante, Pierre Klossowski and Pierre Zucca
(Part of Catherine Millet’s theme: Woman)

"Literary and philosophical essay. Since the middle of the last century, anathemas have been launched in the name of emotional life against the ravages of industrial civilization. To impute to the means of production a pernicious action on the affects, it is, under the pretext of denouncing its demoralizing influence, to recognize a considerable moral power to it. Where does this power come from?" Such is the question that runs through this essay. The author questions other writers by quoting them, thus illustrating his own thought. Sade, but also Fourrier, Stendhal, Nietzsche express themselves on the very process of the voluptuous emotion when the body is perceived as a living currency, a barter object or a phantasmatic vector.

Eric Losfeld éditeur, 1970
Text in French
Hard cover
33 x 26 cm
100 pages

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