Le Coffret N°1

Sold Out

We are pleased to introduce the very first edition of the "mystery box" we have conceived: a magnificent crate containing original artworks and collectibles by artists of the gallery. As the content of this box will of course remain secret, the collector who wishes to acquire it will have to do so blindly!

Inspired by his childhood memory of those “pochettes-surprises” (mystery bags) that you could buy from the bakery, gallery director Thierry Bigaignon has had the idea to create one of his own. The principle is simple: the surprise box takes here the form of a crate, the kind of crates that are used to transport works of art (measuring 76 cm high by 52 cm wide and 59 cm deep), where no details about the contents shows. No clues, no names will be revealed. Everything relies on the trust of the collectors towards the gallery!

This “Coffret n°1”, a unique piece, is sold at 9,500 euros (shipping costs excluded). And as Thierry Bigaignon likes to point out: "contrary to the mystery bags I was to buy as a kid, the value of the coffret will be much more important than the price paid by the collector"!

Le Coffret N°1 will be launched on November 9, 2022 at 6pm but you can pre-order it here.