Le llano en flammes, Juan Rulfo

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Le llano en flammes (choix)/El llano en llamas (selección), Juan Rulfo

"The many references to the space the characters live in present it as a lifeless place and thus a death of speech. "Here, we speak and with this heat that it makes outside, the words roast in the mouth [...] It is like that, here. And that's why no one wants to talk", says Georges Rousse.

Folio, 2015
Text in French and Spanish
Soft cover
18 x 10 cm
128 pages
ISBN: 978-2-07-030541-5

La Peau fragile du monde, Jean-Luc Nancy
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Esther Ferrer
Homo spectator, Marie José Mondzain
Futuro presente. Perspectivas desde el arte y la politica sobre la crisis ecologica y el mundo digital, Graciela Speranza
The Contest of Meaning: Critical Histories of Photography, Richard Bolton