Les merveilles du Louvre - tome 2, Jean Charbonneux


Les merveilles du Louvre - tome 2, Jean Charbonneux

“The book of violent images from my sexual education. An adolescence spent looking with one hand, The Death of Sardanapalus, The Rape of the Sabine Women, Diana at the Bath, Susanna and the Elders...” dixit Laurent Goumarre

Hachette, 1960
Text in French
Hard cover
32 x 26 cm
704 pages
ISBN: 9788816606289

Images secondes, Eric Rondepierre
Photographies, Patrick Bailly-Maître-Grand
L’acte photographique, Philippe Dubois
Erinnerungsspur – Statische Vibration, Dieter Appelt
Le tirage à mains nues, Guillaume Geneste