Light Notes - A4 format, Renato D'Agostin


Light Notes - A4 format, Renato D'Agostin

Renato D’Agostin’s meticulous darkroom printing requires a large amount of testing in order to achieve the high quality of tonalities and volumes that have become his signature through years of life immersed into the red light. Normally these test prints are shredded and thrown away.
Light Notes is a project that allows the imperfection to be valued becoming a useful tool, bringing his darkroom experience to light, shaped as a journal the audience can use writing notes, drowning sketches, like a personal journal through the light of the darkroom. Like in a block note, lines are printed on the white back of these test prints, and every Light Notes becomes a unique series of fragments of light from a print that is now living a new life, straight from Renato D’Agostin’s darkroom.

Each Light Note is unique. To choose the one that's right for you, take a look at the images

Hand-made by Renato D’Agostin
29.7 x 21 cm

Light Notes:
Jeanne Susplugas - HOPES & FEARS
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La chambre claire - Note sur la photographie, Roland Barthes
La querelle de l'art contemporain, Marc Jimenez
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La peinture monochrome : Histoire et archéologie d’un genre, Denys Riout
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Kandinsky - Philosophie de l'art abstrait, Philippe Sers