Méditerranée, Édouard Boubat


Méditerranée, Édouard Boubat

The Mediterranean, mother of our civilization. Sea and mother assuming that all life comes from the oceans. The sea forever renewed .. sings Paul Valéry in the marine cemetery.
The sea populated by the imagination of the ancient gods and goddesses: Aphrodite, Neptune, Poseidon … by wandering Paul of Tarsus, Mary Magdalene, Marco Polo, Chateaubriand …

I saw Africa for the first time.
I was starting my travel-reports for Realities magazine where I worked for over twenty years.
I discovered the world: Italy, Rome, Sardinia, Sicily, Gargano, Greece, Lesbos, Paros, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Lebanon, Alexandria, Egypt, Tunisia, North Africa .. . and last year still in the boat, I saw Delos and Southern Italy.
Today the miracle of photography reveals to us the light of the Mediterranean. For me it’s not just the picture, what is it? it is also all of our lives, our bodies into the sea. It is an invitation to see the Mediterranean with new eyes.
Edouard Boubat April 1997

Filigranes Éditions, 2015
Text in French
Hard cover
22.5 x 17 cm
64 pages
ISBN : 978-2-35046-356-8

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