La photographie, essai pour un art indisciplinable, Michelle Debat

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La photographie, essai pour un art indisciplinable, Michelle Debat

In an era where mediums hybridize, where differences in between disciplines are blurred, where media are dematerialized, one needs to think about photography as arts, mediums and knowledge. At a time when photography is at the same time a conceptual object, a vector image, a viral space, a place of migration, it is useful to propose a research in act(s) where the theory favors a relational place capable to deterritorialize disciplines and to converse practices. At a time when the historicist hierarchies, the classifications by genre are exhausted, photography remains the art of representation but reveals itself to be non-mimetic art, nodal art, sometimes disruptive art, in short, a figure from which new modes of thought are being built, new scientific criteria are invented, new fields of knowledge dialogue. Today, this work - in which the cross-disciplinarily mode has imposed itself as a schema of research - proposes to think photography as deploying gestures, acts, but also in the photography's very material nature. Such is the stake of this essay, which targets everyone who is interested in photography but not only.

Michelle Debat is a university professor in the history and aesthetics of photography and contemporary art, art critic, member of AICA-France.

Ed. Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, Sept. 2020
Text in French
Soft cover
400 pages
ISBN : 978-2-37924-089-8
