Migrations Cherbourg, Alexandre Guirkinger


Migrations Cherbourg, Alexandre Guirkinger

“Or how to reintegrate writing into the 'caption' of photographs today. It's a question that haunts me, since the discovery, years ago, of the work of Duane Michals and others.” dixit Laurent Goumarre

RVB books, 2022
Text in French
Hard cover
20 x 32 cm
40 pages
ISBN: 9782492175190

Patrick Tosani, les corps photographiques, Gilles A. Tiberghien & Michel Poivert
Le Seuil, Maude Grübel
La montée des circonstances, Denis Roche
Petites Cosmogonies, Patrick Bailly-Maître-Grand
Petites machines à images, Laurent Millet
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