Pour une philosophie de la photographie, Vilém Flusser

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Pour une philosophie de la photographie, Vilém Flusser

“In my opinion, this is an essential essay for seeing photography differently. In this 1983/85 essay, this Czech-Brazilian philosopher (1920-1991), still too little known in France where he lived for the last 17 years, applies his reading of history and culture to photography: for him, photography is an apparatus, a device, and photographers are, for the most part, functionaries of this device who apply its programs and respect its rules. Except, he concludes, for the experimental photographers who play against the device and thus rediscover freedom," says Marc Lenot.

Circé, March 2014
Text in French
Soft cover
19.1 x 11.9 x 1 cm
87 pages
ISBN : 978-2-84242-171-7

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