This is not a map, Fort Mahon, Cédric Delsaux


This is not a map, Fort Mahon, Cédric Delsaux


After Dark Lens, the photo series in which he staged characters from the Star Wars saga, Cédric Delsaux now invites us to discover another planet: Fort-Mahon Plage, a small beach resort in northern France. This is where he spent several days photographing the tourists, strollers, employees, hunters and salespeople that fate put in his path and on his pedestal. By stepping on this wooden stand, people encountered in the street were instantly transformed into scale 1 figures. Passers-by turned actors in our vast human comedy. Statues despite them- selves, their stances and clothing become significant, and in a certain way, precious. The subject is no longer part of his environment, but rather detached from it. Freeing the spectator to take him or her wherever he likes...

Folded size: 11 x 25 cm
Unfolded size: 100 x 155 cm
Publisher: This is not a map
ISBN : 979-10-92398-03-8

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