Arbres-troncs, Zoé Van Der Haegen


Arbres-troncs, Zoé Van Der Haegen

The artist returned to Kalmthout after the 2011 fire. The dead trees, hollowed out and blackened by the fire, that she came across during her explorations are found in this book. These trees have been cut with scissors, and then assembled in new combinations with each other, but also with colored plastic films.

Signed edition available at 48 € !

Editions Jacques dans le vert, 2022
Text in French & English 
Soft cover
33 x 23 cm
50 pages
ISBN:  9 78295810300 2

Fotogrammi, Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Jan Groover, Photographe - Laboratoires des formes
Les autres, Christine Angot
Homes & Studios, Cy Twombly
A photographic memory 1968-1989, Peter Schlesinger