Google as a medium, Lionel Bayol-Thémines

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Google as a medium, Lionel Bayol-Thémines

“This French artist (born in 1968) struggles against another device, that of Google Earth: he is not satisfied with highlighting blind, unmapped, censored or deserted areas, ice floes or the high seas. He also discovers the places where the representation software bugs, where it no longer represents the world, but a pure graphic abstraction composed of coloured plates, angular shapes and off-axis articulations with no relation to reality. Above all, he hijacks programmes to illegally enter buildings, to cross walls. He is an activist, a disrupter, who thus recreates ephemeral spaces of freedom,” says Marc Lenot.

Edited by the artist in April 2015
Text in French by Marc Lenot
This artist’s book is composed of three leporello of 8 images each and a cover taken from the photographic work of Lionel Bayol-Thémines Google as a medium.
Drawn in digigraphy on photographic paper Hahnemühle smooth cotton.
33 x 24.5 x 3 cm
Edition of 15 copies + 2 HC : #8/15 here

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