Diapositive - Histoire de la photographie projetée, Anne Lacoste


Diapositive - Histoire de la photographie projetée, Anne Lacoste

While the history of photography is built around the question of the print, photographic projection underwent significant development from the last third of the 19th century onwards. For a long time restricted to teaching, public lectures and popular entertainment, projected photography was also developed by amateur photographers. From the 1960s onwards, the slide became an integral part of artistic creation, as conceptual artists embraced it as an alternative means of creation.

Co-édition Noir sur Blanc/ Musée de l’Élysée, 2017
Text in French
Hard cover 
28 x 21 cm
240 pages
ISBN: 978-2-88250-478-4

Les laboratoires du temps, Écrits sur le cinéma et la photographie 1, Alain Fleischer
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