L'empreinte et le tremblement, Écrits sur le cinéma et la photographie 2, Alain Fleischer


L'empreinte et le tremblement, Écrits sur le cinéma et la photographie 2 (suivi de Faire le noir), Alain Fleischer
(Part of Catherine Millet’s theme: Theory)

To make, to produce images, such is the power of photography and cinema: to seize the elusive, to make emerge from the visible what is initially present only in the imaginary, what persists or is transformed. The camera is a magical object that endows the person who owns it and knows how to use it with the power to stage the world and beings according to his or her imagination. After Les Laboratoires du temps, image after image, from cinema to photography, from literature to dance, from sculpture to music, Alain Fleischer, in L'Empreinte et le tremblement, then Faire le noir, mixes again the arts and reinvents his itinerary like so many imprints stopped by the thread and by chance of a reflection that has never ceased to accompany his practice of photography and cinema.

Galaade Éditions, 2009
Text in French
Soft cover
21.5 x 15 cm
586 pages
ISBN: 978-2-35176-060-4

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