Mireille Fulpius


Mireille Fulpius

For Pierre Paliard, following the development of Mireille Fulpius's work over almost three decades reveals how this remarkably fertile artist has found an original place in the ever-changing context of contemporary art. At first, her sculptures explored an abstract constructive vein using metal, then opened up to abundant research in which the now essential role of wood was asserted. The desire to tackle installations in natural environments projects this work into exceptional landscape dimensions and imposes new protocols; a modular constructive art, free and inventive, offers ephemeral installations to be actively discovered. An uncommon energy also enables the artist to produce a marvellous set of drawings that reveal the richness of the forms and surfaces of the sculpted works in a new way.

Myriam Poiatti is particularly interested in works on paper and Prints.

As a novelist, Jean-Paul Goux expresses the strong impression left by Mireille Fulpius's living and working environment, because "it is impossible for an artist to settle in such a site without the feeling of space and the way of inhabiting space that it suggests, inflects or imposes, being a constantly living source of sensations, emotions and energy". She then goes on to describe her journey through the house and its workshops, from which emerge the great variety of Mireille Fulpius's creations.

For the past twenty years, Sylvie Bourcy has witnessed this fascinating process of transmuting raw material into a work of art, and has collaborated on the installation of the pieces. Based on their free discussions and access to the artist's intimacy, she was able to conduct the interview in which Mireille Fulpius reflects on key moments in her life and work.

Éditions Cercle D’Art, 2013
Text in French
Hard cover 
244 pages
30 x 25 cm
ISBN: 9782702209912

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