Signs, Nino Migliori


Signs, Nino Migliori

“Nino Migliori (born 1926) had an exhibition at the MEP a few years ago (but no catalogue): he is one of the pioneers of photographic experimentation. This large book presents the whole of his work: his humanist, neo-realist photographs; his reinterpretations of reality, between the representative image and photographic fantasy; and, from 1948, his experiments: he worked on the very material of photography, with oxidations (chemical interventions that bring out abstract forms), photograms, glass plates, pyrograms, lucigrams and all sorts of other innovations.” says Marc Lenot.

Damiani, 2004
Text in English and Italian
Second-hand: very good condition
Hard cover
32 x 24.5 cm
304 pages
ISBN : 978-88-89431-46-7


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