L’alchimiste, Paulo Coelho


L’alchimiste, Paulo Coelho

For millions of readers around the world, this book has been a revelation: the key to a spiritual quest that each of us can undertake, an invitation to follow our dreams and find our truth. The story is that of Santiago, a young Andalusian shepherd in search of a treasure buried at the foot of the pyramids. In the desert, initiated by the alchemist, he learns to listen to his heart and decipher the signs of destiny. A marvellous philosophical tale, often compared to classics of the genre - The Little Prince, Jonathan Livingstone the Seagull - this book, which has become an international bestseller, earned the author of Le Pèlerin de Compostelle and La Cinquième Montagne the “Grand Prix des lectrices de Elle” in France.

Flammarion, 2017
Text in French
Soft cover
13.5 x 20.9 cm
224 pages
ISBN: 9782081394704

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