La Boîte de Pandore, une autre photographie par Jan Dibbets

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La Boîte de Pandore, une autre photographie par Jan Dibbets

"This exhibition curated by the Dutch conceptual artist Jan Dibbets (born 1941), whose conceptual photographic work is seminal, was the first in France to explore the fields of experimental photography, from 19th-century scientific photography to 21st-century photographic objects. Inspired by Flusser, Dibbets thus revisited the history of the margins of photography. A book that combines history, philosophy and exploration", says Marc Lenot.

Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, April 2016
Second-hand: good condition
Text in French
Hard cover
32 x 22 cm
272 pages
ISBN : 978-2-7596-0320-6

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