L’évidence, le vide, la vie - La photographie face à ses lacunes, Pauline Martin

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L’évidence, le vide, la vie - La photographie face à ses lacunes, Pauline Martin

"This small catalogue reports on an exhibition in Pully, Switzerland, on photographic absence, a subject that goes against the doxa of the representation of a presence: photographs that are hollowed out, pierced, cut out, erased, erased, torn, where the eyes, the head, the sex, or the whole body are missing, make up an astonishing ensemble, testifying both to the materiality of photography (too often neglected) and to a "post-Barthesian" relationship to lack, mourning, and memory", says Marc Lenot.

Ithaque, April 2017
Text in French
Soft cover
22 x 15.2 cm
106 pages
ISBN : 978-2-916120-75-1

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